"Los moluscos terrestres y fluviales del Ecuador continental. La biodiversidad desconocida." http://searchworks.stanford.edu/view/8377553.
Una breve descripción y presentación del libro por una autoridad en malacología Dr. A S Breure. ...The first comprehensive scientific overview of the non-marine molluscs of continental Ecuador was published at the end of the 19th century (Cousin, 1887). More than a century later this introductory book to land and freshwater snails from this country appears. As the author Correoso R Modest writes, it is “an integral study on the biodiversity ..., and includes a characterization of the principal families and genera”. After the introduction there are eight chapters.........
This book is clearly aimed at a rather broad public of people with an interest in molluscs. As stated before, no introductory text to this group was available for Ecuador and the book clearly serves this aim. From a scientific point of view, there are several points which could be improved; e.g. not all literature mentioned in the text is included in the list of references and there are several typos. Hopefully there will be enough demand to make a second, revised edition possible.
This book is clearly aimed at a rather broad public of people with an interest in molluscs. As stated before, no introductory text to this group was available for Ecuador and the book clearly serves this aim. From a scientific point of view, there are several points which could be improved; e.g. not all literature mentioned in the text is included in the list of references and there are several typos. Hopefully there will be enough demand to make a second, revised edition possible.
References: Correoso Rodríguez, M., 2008 [2009]. Los moluscos terrestres y fluviales del Ecuador continental. La biodiversidad desconocida: 1-179. - SIMBIOE, Quito. ISBN 978-9978-9959-
1-4. Domingo, 07 de Agosto de 2011 18:13
Caracterización y distribución biogeográfica preliminar de los moluscos terrestres y fluviales del Ecuador continental. Revista Ciencia ESPE Vol. 5. 2002. http://www.espe.edu.ec/portal/files/sitiocongreso/congreso/2007/C_TIERRA/DCT24.pdf Milera F José, Correoso R Modest. 2003 Los moluscos terrestres y fluviales de la Isla de la Juventud, Archipiélago de los Canarreos. Revista Cocuyo 13. Cuba pp15 http://caribbeanahigroup.org/pdf/cocuyo/cocuyo_13_2003.pdf Experiencias y recomendaciones con transeptos y parcelas en estudios de moluscos terrestres del Ecuador continental. Revista Geospacial num. 1. 2004. http: //trategia preliminar para evaluar y erradicar Achatina fulica (Gastropoda-Achatinaceae) en Ecuador. boletín técnico 6, serie zoológica.2: 45-52. http://www.espe.edu.ec/encuesta/sitiorevistas/revistas/E-RevSerZoologica/BolTec6SerZool(2)/Achatina_55.pdf http://www.elcomercio.com/solo_texto.asp?id_noticia=2258
Article in ISSN 0958-5079 Tentacle no. 17—January 2009 7. See giant African snail in South America. Into the Andes: Three new introductions of Lissachatina fulica (Gastropoda, Achatinidae) and its potential distribution. by Francisco J. Borrero, Abraham S.H.Breure, Carl C. Christensen, Modesto Correoso & Valentín Mogollón. http://www.hawaii.edu/cowielab/tentacle/tentacle_17.pdf
Modelación y distribución de LISSACHATINA FULICA (GASTROPODA, ACHATINIDAE) en Ecuador. Potenciales imapactos ambientales y sanitarios. Correoso R M ; Coello,R M. Revista Geospacial num ESPE 2009 . http: //http:/ es.scribd.com/doc/86570217/Revista-Geoespacial-6
Ecología: moda, crisis o ciencia rectora del nuevo milenio. Monografia.com ht://www.monografias.com/trabajos59/ecologia-oda-crisis/ecologia-moda-crisis.shtml
NUEVOS ARTICULOS EN PRENSA y PROYECTOS REALIZADOS seran anexados en hipervinculos proximamente .
Notable relación entre pintura de ilustración científica y Malacología en el Ecuador. EXPOSICIÓN ANTOLÓGICA DE JOAQUÍN PINTO.Estudio del álbum malacológico de Auguste Cousin ilustrado por Joaquín Pinto. versión HTML15 Ene 2011 www.quito.gov.ec/cultura/qulturas8.pdf
“Concurso científico, anual externo “LEOPOLDO IZQUIETA PÉREZ” “Análisis integral de LISSOACHATINA FULICA y POMACEA sp (Mollusca-Gastropoda), nuevas plagas de moluscos con repercusiones epidemiológicas en Ecuador.”
Correoso R, Modesto; Martini Robles L 2010
“Capacitación moluscos plagas del arroz en la costa Ecuatoriana.” Correoso R, M Agrocalidad 2010.
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